but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
John 4:14
The cistern is complete! For the last two months we have watched in absolute amazement at the daily progress and backbreaking labor by these amazing men. A dozen local men were hired to dig and build the 55,000 gallon cistern which will now bless Grace Hill. These men worked daily, excavating mostly by hand, then handing down cinderblocks. rebar & cement to finish out the inside to collect and store rainwater. The cistern will be fitted with a filter on the downspout to keep any debris from coming in and will be purified again when pumped out.
The rainy season is upon us, historically enough rain has fallen in one season to fill our new cistern. These 55,000 beautiful God provided gallons will be a gift of life. We know Jesus provides the true living water, our hope is that the students at Grace Hill come to know the living water only He can provide, find salvation in the LORD and grow in their own relationship with Jesus. Water is the root of life and salvation, without it we are hopeless.
We stand in awe at the work of our LORD. In two short years funds were donated to provide for the complete funding of the land purchase, cistern and kitchen. Every need has been provided for before it was even made known. The work of the LORD is being accomplished every day.
All my love,